
Airwheel Electric Scooter -

SourceAirwheel updata:2014-07-24

As we are getting more dependent on various transport assistance in this modern era, the recent prevailing of self-balancing scooters has drawn broad attention. Airwheel self-balancing scooter facilitates our life by providing an advanced solution for commuting problems. Airwheel will be your ideal transport aid to reach a destination either too far for walking or too near for driving, and it’s emission-free.
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So what exactly is Airwheel Mars Rover? Generally speaking, it’s a handy commuting aid designed for short trip. To be specific, it belongs to the family of self-balancing scooters for it can realize intelligent response to your intention and body movements. Although self-balancing scooters are not so popular as e-bikes, it presents a latest ideal commuting aid for short trip. Let’s take a look of Airwheel X8 and give it a try today.
Debuted in Aug. 2014, Airwheel X8 is the latest released model. Compared with fellow Airwheel X3, X5 and X6 in X-series, it features consistent exterior design and varies in tire size and internal configurations (similar to automobiles). Today we’ll proudly present Airwheel X8, which weighs 11kg, travels at max. speed 18km/h and covers 23km per charge.


One unique feature of Airwheel self-balancing scooter X8 is that it’s equipped with a pair of training wheels, which will be very helpful for starters. With the training wheels, starters can get a hang of it and go forward within 2 minutes. Keep practicing and after you get used to the its balancing, you may try to ride without training wheels. Always keep two things in mind: (a) your feet are only 10cm from ground, so don’t worry about falling-over. In case you’re about to fall over, protect yourself as priority instead of the unit, and (b) as the riding technique is similar to that of bicycles, momentum is your partner for maintaining balance on Airwheel X8.
For starters, training belt and training wheels are highly recommended for safety concerns, and please ride at a safe speed (<10km). The maximum load of Airwheel X8 is 120kg, which means it can generally fit players of all shapes.
Regarding the internal core of Airwheel X8 one wheel scooter, it all comes down to cutting-edges technologies: the intelligent control chip adopts aviation attitude control to realize longitude balance, and fuzzy software algorithm to guarantee your safety.
Airwheel standard accessories include a charger, a training belt, a pair of training wheels and an extended pump nozzle. And you may find a wide choice range in the optional accessories, e.g. LED pedal and handle lights, air pumper, pressure gauge, ect.
The pump valve is biased to the inner rim of the hub to facilitate the rotation of the wheel. This design, on the other hand, makes it a little tricky to inflate, that’s where we need the extended pump nozzle.
Still have no idea of how to ride? Let’s get started!
